
Firehose client wrapper that knows how to forward correlation IDs (captured via @dazn/lambda-powertools-correlation-ids).

Main features:

  • auto-injects correlation IDs into Firehose records when you call putRecord or putRecordBatch (only JSON payloads are supported currently)

  • direct replacement for AWS.Firehose client

Getting Started

Install from NPM: npm install @dazn/lambda-powertools-firehose-client


It's exactly the same as the Kinesis client from the AWS SDK.

const Firehose = require('@dazn/lambda-powertools-firehose-client')

const publishEvent = async () => {
  const putRecordReq = {
    DeliveryStreamName: 'lambda-powertools-demo',
    PartitionKey: uuid(),
    Data: JSON.stringify({ message: 'hello firehose' })

  await Firehose.putRecord(putRecordReq).promise()

const publishEvents = async () => {
  const putRecordBatchReq = {
    DeliveryStreamName: 'lambda-powertools-demo',
    Records: [
        PartitionKey: uuid(),
        Data: JSON.stringify({ message: 'hello kinesis' })
        PartitionKey: uuid(),
        Data: JSON.stringify({ message: 'hello lambda-powertools' })

  await Firehose.putRecordBatch(putRecordBatchReq).promise()

results matching ""

    No results matching ""